How To Clean and Maintain Your Stretch Fabric - Statewide Hawaii Skip to content

How To Clean and Maintain Your Stretch Fabric

One of the first questions you may ask yourself after having a stretch fabric ceiling or wall installed is, “How do I clean and maintain my stretch fabric?”

You’ll be happy to hear that stretch ceilings are fairly easy to clean. You can be successful at removing some fingerprints and general dust and dirt but some stains can be more stubborn. Greasy, oily dirt can penetrate deep into the texture of the fabric and it may take extra effort to remove.

Stretch fabric ceilings are installed as a finished product and require no additional touches. This means once the ceiling fabric is installed, it should be treated as a FINISHED surface. 

Stretch fabric ceiling manufacturers give us clear guidelines on how to take care of the ceilings. Their recommendation is simple: spot clean with a clean rag, soap, and water as needed. 

Followed by the caution: never use anything abrasive to clean stretch ceilings, especially if your ceiling has a printed design. Ink is durable and will not come off with normal spot cleaning, it’s important to not scrub the fabric.

In case of water leaks from above, PVC ceiling membranes can stretch and hold water. Fabric ceilings can also hold some water, but they will not stretch like PVC. So the water will continue to flow and find the lowest point until the water leak has stopped.

In many cases, simple water stains have been cleaned and no signs of water damage were visible. In case there was a lot of debris and rusty water, it may stain the material, and the material would have to be replaced.

Fortunately, stretch ceilings systems are interchangeable—old material can be gently pulled out from the track. The track can stay in place and be reused. Only the damaged ceiling material may have to be replaced, which would take no longer than a few hours and the ceiling looks brand new again.

Majority of the time, there’s very little maintenance associated with stretch fabric ceilings, and even when things do get dusty or spotted, cleaning your stretch fabric ceiling is generally no more of a hassle than any other kind of ceiling. If you ever have questions on how to care for your stretch ceiling, Nuwalls Hawaii is always here to offer a solution.

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