How is Stretch Fabric Installed? - Statewide Hawaii Skip to content

How is Stretch Fabric Installed?

Undergoing a home renovation project can be a thrilling and creative experience (who doesn’t love a little refresh?), but it can also be time-consuming and stressful. Often, renovations require tough decision-making, significant financial investments, and complicated coordination to keep things going smoothly. Doing your research is one of the best ways to relieve the stress of the process. With a little bit of digging and determination, you can find the best solutions for your home renovation that are high quality, cost-effective, and low hassle.

If you decide that a stretch fabric ceiling or walls are the best options for your home renovation, you’ll probably want to know some logistics. We’ve created a simple guide to show you the step-by-step process of how we install stretch fabric so you will have all the information you need to remain worry-free throughout your home renovation project.

1. Choose Your Fabric

Nuwalls Hawaii offers endless possibilities for your stretch fabric needs. We are proud to be Hawaii’s exclusive provider of both CLIPSO and Novawall stretch fabric options. Once you decide which brand of stretch fabric will suit you best, you can customize the material in various ways to achieve your desired results. 

Lighting preferences, acoustic needs, the colors and prints of the fabric, the shape of your space, and the location of installation all play a role in your fabric choices. Feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the options? Don’t worry; our Nuwalls team of experts can help you find the perfect stretch fabric for your renovation goals.

2. Prepare Your Space   

Lucky for you, this step is easy. Some types of home or ceiling renovations, such as plaster or popcorn ceiling removal, will make a mess and require you to move all of your furniture out of the room to make space. 

With stretch fabric ceiling installation, you’ll only have to make enough room for a ladder. There is no extra setup or clean-up necessary.

3. Install Profiles

The next step is when you get to sit back and relax. Our expert team at Nuwalls Hawaii will take care of the tricky work of installation. First, we will identify spaces we need to leave in the ceiling for lighting and ventilation. Next, we will install the profile (i.e., an aluminum track) by precisely lining it up and neatly drilling it to your ceiling or walls. The profile will be the base for your fabric.

4. Stretch the Fabric

Many stretch fabrics require heating to achieve their maximum stretch capacity before being installed into the profile. CLIPSO fabric, however, can be installed at any room temperature. Our Nuwalls Hawaii professionals will carefully stretch your fabric ceiling by tucking it into the aluminum track, starting with the corners, to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. Our team will then cut out custom holes for your fixtures, if necessary.

5. Ensure Cleanliness

Finally, to wrap up the job, the Nuwalls team will thoroughly examine the entire ceiling or wall for any blemishes or imperfections. They will delicately clean the fabric with a damp cloth and mild cleaner to ensure your stretch fabric is in tip-top shape and ready to wow anyone who comes into your home or business.

Stretch fabric is a safe, cost-effective, aesthetic, and convenient solution for your home or office renovation. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of stretch fabric in your home and the customization options available through Nuwalls Hawaii, check out our website.

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